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‘It is a rich environment filled with fun activities, warm and caring staff, a wonderful range of experiences and extremely happy children and parents. It is a special place.’


We are an inclusive nursery and welcome all children. Children can start at the nursery from the age of 2. Children are usually with us for a maximum of 6 terms. However children can do more or less terms to suit their needs and the needs of their family.

If the nursery is over-subscribed, priority is given to children living in Jordans Village, children whose brother or sister currently attend or previously attended Jordans Nursery School, children who have a brother or sister currently attending Jordans School and children whose parents hope they will attend Jordans School.

Most children start with 2 or 3 sessions at nursery and increase the time spent as they get older. Each family and child has different requirements and we are happy to discuss the individual needs of your child.

If you are interested in registering for a nursery place please contact Nicola Coyne to check availability at

Visiting the Nursery

​We are pleased to welcome parents and other visitors to the nursery. Please be aware that visiting children remain your responsibility at all times. Some of our equipment is not safe for young toddlers and babies. We normally host visits on Monday mornings, please speak to Nicola to arrange a date and time.


We meet in Jordans Village Hall, which is located behind the village shop in Jordans.  Outside, the site is gated, so that children can play safely both on the large tarmac area and the grassy garden spaces.  We have sole use of the hall during nursery hours.

Fees and Funding


As of 1st September 2024 (to be reviewed in September 2025), fees are:


3 hour session 9.00 -12.00 or 12.00 - 3.00   £26.25/session

6 hour full day session 9.00 - 3.00  £52.50/session

3 hour session and lunch 9.00 - 1.30  £39.40/session

Lunch session 12.00 - 1.30  £13.15/session


Early morning starts 8.45 - 9.00  £2.50/session


 We welcome funded 2 year and 3 year olds. In the term following their 3rd birthday, all children are entitled to receive 15 hours nursery education (funded entitlement) per week from Bucks County Council. We do not currently offer 30 hours extended funding. Parents/carers can pay for any extra hours they may wish to take up. These are available in 3 hour sessions or 1.5 hours for lunch clubs. Usually parents/carers gradually build up sessions as the children get older and priority is given to our older children. We will do our best to accommodate all requests for sessions over the year. Early morning starts are not included in the funding allocation. Funded children are charged for sessions outside the 15 funded hours. For fees and funding questions please contact Chrissie at


Voluntary Contributions

We are always grateful for any voluntary contribution you are able to make towards the running of the nursery. In line with Bucks County Council guidelines, we levy a voluntary charge of £5 per 3 hour funded session per child per week per term to pay for consumables. In addition from time to time we ask for sundries such as wet wipes, washing up liquid, hand wash and tissues. Thank you for any support you are able to give.



We try to be as flexible as possible to ensure your child's requirements are met. We understand that life is busy and sometimes needs change or extra sessions are required. We are happy to provide adhoc sessions, at normal charge, if space is available. Please speak to your child's key person should you need help with this.

We offer early morning starts every day at 8.45 at a charge of £2.50. These can be booked in advance or taken on an adhoc basis.

Towards the end of each term we will discuss your child's requirements for the next term with you. Please advise us of any changes as soon as possible so we can do our best to accommodate your requests. We do require a half term's notice if your child is leaving the nursery, so we are able to offer the space to others that may have requested it. There is a charge of half a term's fees if notice is not given at the required time.

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