From 13th December 2014, childcare providers in England and Wales are required to comply with The Food Information Regulation.
This new regulation introduces a requirement for food businesses including childcare providers to give information about allergenic ingredients used in any food they sell or provide, including pre-packed foods.
What do we need to do?
As an early year provider we are now required to obtain information about any allergies or intolerances that a child may have and provide allergen information about the food we provide. We do this at the moment through our Health Form which is filled in when your child starts nursery. If there are any changes to your child's allergies/intolerances please make sure you speak to your child's key person or a nursery staff member.
What are the allergens?
There are 14 allergens in the European list. These represent the most common and potent allergens across the EU and these foods are responsible for the majority of the allergic reactions occurring within the food allergic population.
. Celery
· Cereals containing gluten (you need to specify if there is wheat (such as spelt and Khorasan), rye, barley, oats and their hybridised strains)
· Crustaceans
· Eggs
· Fish
· Lupin – this is a flour made from Lupins
· Milk
· Molluscs
· Mustard
· Nuts (you need to specify if there is almond, hazelnut, walnut, cashew, pecan nut, Brazil nut, pistachio nut and macadamia nut (also known as Queensland nut)
· Peanuts
· Sesame seeds
· Soya
· Sulphur dioxide
If you would like any further information please feel free to ask a member of staff or alternatively log into www.food.gov.uk/allergy